25g Green Tree Palo Santo Sticks 3-4 sticks

25g Green Tree Palo Santo Sticks 3-4 sticks


Palo Santo

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Palo Santo literally means holy wood and is, just as white sage, originate from the native Indians in South America. Centuries ago they already used it during ceremonies to clear the aura and to heal from negative influences. 

In Europe too, people choose to buy the holy wood to clean their houses or just for the fragrances in its purest form. 

The fragrance can be described as a warm, wooden and lightly aroma with a sweet touch that sometimes slip trough. In comparison with white sage (that is also used for the same purpose), Palo Santo gives off a very mild odor.

Onyx Dragon can not imagine anybody who wouldn’t be charmed by the natural and therefore spiritual smell.

Pack has 3-4 sticks

A close look is a must.

Weight 0.025 kg
Dimensions 0.025 cm


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